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Embarking on a meditation journey can be a transformative experience, and there is no better way to deepen your practice than to learn from seasoned practitioners like Graham Burns and Isabell Britsch. Both of these inspiring teachers bring years of dedication, wisdom, and passion to their practice, offering invaluable insights into the beauty of meditation and its numerous benefits.

We chatted to Graham and Isabell to find out more about their meditation practice...

Graham Burns' Morning Ritual

Graham Burns begins his day with a mindful approach that sets a peaceful tone for the rest of the day. As a dedicated practitioner, he integrates yoga asana with meditation, believing that moving the body and connecting with the breath creates a perfect foundation for stillness. Graham's routine is simple yet profound:

"One of my teachers advised me years ago always to practise some asana first, and getting into my body and breath really does make a difference, even if only a few minutes of moving my spine. Once I am settled onto my cushion, I use some simple pranayama and then transition into silent repetition of the mantras my teacher has given me, using my mala beads. I then always leave some time for silence. One top tip for those who use a cross-legged seated posture would be to alternate the crossing of the legs on a daily basis - I know that may not be 'traditional', but it sure helps avoid hip imbalances."

Isabell Britsch's Deep Dive into Meditation

Isabell Britsch’s practice is characterised by a blend of structured routines and personal adaptations, creating a rich and varied meditation experience. Her commitment to daily practice and regular silent retreats exemplifies her deep connection to meditation.

"I get up in the morning, do some yoga asana, often some breathwork and then seamlessly transition into meditation. Sometimes I use guided meditations and often I just choose my own approach and technique for the day. I meditate around half an hour, sometimes more, sometimes a little less, and it’s truly the best start to the day for me. I know that if I don’t do my practice first thing in the morning it’s going to be very hard to fit it in. So, I try not to compromise and always avoid teaching or having meetings before 10am (or ideally 11am – haha)."

The Profound Benefits of Meditation

Both Graham and Isabell highlight the transformative benefits of regular meditation practice. From enhancing mental clarity to fostering emotional resilience, meditation has become an integral part of their lives. Isabell shares her profound experiences:

"Retreats have been particularly profound in bringing light to the story of my life, deeply ingrained habits and why they’re there, where it all comes from and why it matters. I very much appreciate all the insights that I’ve gained about myself – they help me to continuously learn. My home practice provides these same benefits on a smaller day-to-day scale. I’m making time to check how I feel, to notice what’s actually there, to be there for myself, nurture and resource myself and learn more about myself. All of this has a profound impact on my mental health – it keeps me in good shape, mentally. And of course it helps me to cope with life’s challenges and curve balls. And it also helps me to have better relationships – more patience, more equanimity."

Tips for a Successful Meditation Practice

Both teachers offer practical tips to enhance your meditation practice:

  • Graham's Tips:
    • Start with some asana to connect with your body and breath.
    • Use pranayama to settle your mind.
    • Alternate the crossing of your legs to avoid hip imbalances.
  • Isabell's Tips:
    • Have a routine and a dedicated space for practice.
    • Short, regular practices can be more beneficial than infrequent long ones.
    • Maintain a sense of humor about your mind’s wanderings.
    • Know your go-to practice techniques.
    • Find an inspiring teacher.
    • Regular retreats can deepen self-awareness.
    • Be kind to yourself and let go of expectations.

Join Our Meditation Teacher Training Course

If you are inspired by Graham and Isabell's practices and wish to deepen your own, consider joining our Meditation Teacher Training: Mindfulness and Concentration starting on 21st September. This 85-hour course will help you find your unique voice as a meditation teacher. Unlike other courses, we focus on empowering you to develop your own authentic teaching style, with hands-on teaching experiences from day two. Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your practice and share the benefits of meditation with others.

Diversity and Accessibility Bursary place available

We are offering one bursary (50% off the full course price) to a dedicated yoga student with a demonstrated financial need and active involvement in a community that could benefit from yoga. This bursary is provided by Yogacampus – The Life Centre Education, a not-for-profit educational body committed to sharing knowledge and making yoga accessible to all.

Bursary places will be awarded to a teacher or trainee who has the ability and commitment to take the course teachings into a disadvantaged community and play their part in the drive to increase accessibility to these profoundly healing practices. Priority will be given to those who themselves are from marginalised or vulnerable groups or are from a minority ethnic background.

To apply, please complete our online form before the closing date of 18 August 2024. Notification of bursary acceptance will be sent out the following week.