- To book any events or if you have any queries relating to an event you would like to attend
- For your own events - updates on who has booked and any queries around bookings
- For your own events – the administration details for your course or event - e.g zoom links, pre reading, student instructions, student certificate
- For your own events – any queries relating to Canvas
- Any queries relating to facility or rental enquiries for Finsbury Park
Email for Diploma queries:
- For any date or admin queries if you are a tutor, contact teacher or case study supervisor
- Any scheduling queries
- For Diploma tutors, any queries related to Canvas or module content
- Any query about payments due to you
- Yoga Therapy clinic
- As the place to send all event and course marketing material
- To agree marketing strategy for individual courses
- For contact around mutual co-operation on social media
- To explore new events, courses and trainings and their scheduling
- To agree pricing and website course descriptions
- For strategic marketing plans for courses
- To request to update bios or photos on website
- For strategic collaboration ideas
- To participate in the debate around future directions of yoga education