SATYA guides students away from “doing” movement and toward sensing, receiving and “being” movement. As an adjunct to yoga practice, somatic awareness leads to embodied wisdom. SATYA is Prajna Yoga's “yin” style practice. ... Like in vinyasa training, breath is combined with movement in order to deepen the respiratory rhythm

What is SATYA?

SATYA is a unique approach that emphasises the integration of sensory awareness with yoga. Through finely articulated movements performed on the floor, SATYA unites breath and motion, promoting myofascial release without strain. The essence of SATYA lies not just in the somatic movements but in fostering inner listening and cultivating heightened proprioceptive awareness. The outcome? A harmonious union of mind, body, and breath that enables practitioners to become more sentient and wakeful beings in the world.

SATYA (Somatic Awareness Training for Yoga Attunement) is a therapeutic, “yin” style practice. You will practice fine articulated movement on the floor in a flowing fashion, synchronizing breath with movement. The exercises are non-weight bearing and involve sliding, gliding, and circular movements to reduce myo-fascial holding in the body. When done on the floor, the breath and movement together enable myofascial release without strain. All movements are done slowly, in isolation, and without force. The SATYA movements replenish the body by increasing circulation (the flow of prana) throughout all the tissues of the body. SATYA acts as a “prana pump” to oxygenate the bloodstream and irrigate, or “soak” the tissues.

The SATYA movements cultivate inner listening and support neural-muscular reeducation. While yoga today often emphasises the “doing” of a posture, SATYA encourages “being” in a movement with heightened awareness.

Early Bird Payment Plans Available

  • Full Price: £800
  • Early Bird Price: £680 (available until 20 August 2024 for 6 spaces only)

Price Details

A payment plan is available with the Early Bird offer (for a total of £715, which includes a £35 admin fee for stage payments): £245 paid at booking + £235 paid end of August + £235 paid end of Sept. Please email if you would like to set up a payment plan.