Advanced SATYA: Moving from Smooth Muscle | Online Immersion

This immersion is an opportunity to study, sense, and feel changes in the smooth muscle in our SATYA practice.

Tias somatic

Pulsatory, Wave Like Flow: Moving from Smooth Muscle

In the body, smooth muscle is governed not by the will, but by the regulatory function of blood flow and nerve impulse. Smooth muscle hugs the lining of interior structures such as the stomach, intestine, bladder, and uterus. Its motion is rhythmic, pulsatory and it flows in small waves. Smooth muscle is pervasive along the lining of the blood vessels where it helps govern blood pressure and blood volume. However, due to states of anxiety, stress, and exhaustion, smooth muscle is easily distressed.

In this short immersion we study, sense, and feel changes in the smooth muscle in our SATYA practice. We practice slow, sustained contractions and expansions and also engage the smooth muscle via rapid, oscillating movements.


Please note that completion of SATYA 1 is a prerequisite for attending this immersion.

Recording Access

Please note ALL Live Zoom sessions will be recorded should you be unable to attend any live streams. All course materials are available for 90 days after the last class concludes.

Tias Portrait

Meet the Teacher

A gifted orator, Tias brings metaphor and imagination to his classes. He weaves together poetic language, embodied wisdom and subtle body awareness in all his classes.  

Tias synthesizes years of study in classical yoga, Sanskrit, Buddhist studies, somatic practices and anatomy in his dynamic and original style. He began studying Iyengar Yoga in 1984 and lived in Mysore, India in 1989 studying Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga with Pattabhi Jois. His teaching includes precision of alignment, anatomical detail and meditative awareness. He is the founder of SATYA, Somatic Awareness Training for Yoga, a somatic practice that complements yoga. 

Tias is a long time student of the meditative arts and Buddhist studies beginning with Vipassana and continuing in Tibetan Buddhism and Zen. Tias earned a Master’s degree in Eastern Philosophy from St. John’s College in Santa Fe. Tias Little makes his home under the big skies of Santa Fe New Mexico where he co-directs Prajna Yoga with his wife Surya. 

Tias is the author of five books, The Thread of Breath, Meditations on a Dewdrop, Yoga of the Subtle Body,The Practice is the Path (Shambhala Publications), and In the Space Between: The Poetry of Embodiment.  


Upon completion of this workshop, you will receive a Yogacampus Certificate of Completion for 6 hours.  Participants may also gain Yoga Alliance Continuing Education credits, via the Prajna Yoga Yoga Alliance YACEP.

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